Skill Acquisition: The sure path to Wealth Creation


In this century, decade, and season of life with reference to how we live as a people it has become imperative that skill acquisition is paid attention to. Without wealth creators society becomes stagnant and life becomes insipid and unexciting.

For a society to be successful it should have its social structure framed on the occupants of that space. Without the people, there is no society and without skilled people, growth and development is rather expensive affair.

Thus for Africa to grow, its focus must be on how to empower the people with practical skills; skills that can help an individual become self-dependent and a wealth creator.

And for this to be achieved skill acquisition and knowledge of wealth creation should be emphasized and highlighted.

Working at a job might give you money but it hardly impacts the wealth-creation mentality. This however does not preclude an employee from owning a business that creates wealth.

For developing societies like what is prevalent in African nations, the easiest path to economic growth is to empower its citizens with the right knowledge.

Going into nuclear technology might be good but do we have the capacity to operate and maintain a nuclear facility. Thus we must prioritize what kind of knowledge we wish to impact on the citizens. 

The productive level of the African continent is abysmally low relative to other continents of the world. In fact, statistics show that Africa contributes less than 5% of global trade. This invariably means we are more of a consumer than a productive continent.

We seem so comfortable having everything imported despite the fact we have the capacity to have them produced locally.

No nation thrives by having its basic needs produced else outside its shores. This unfortunately has been the bane of Africa.

The pace of technology is rather moving at a very fast rate but unfortunately due to social disorder prevalent in Africa, the continent is lagging behind. Bad governance and infrastructural decay are twin evils that have adversely hampered the rapid growth of individuals and society.

However, as an individual is there anything you can do to ameliorate the situation? Can your involvement in wealth creation be a solution to a problem?

To create wealth you must have a product or provide a service. You must solve problems with an idea or a product. Problems are everywhere and it takes a focused and determined mind to spot and tackle the problem.

With the downward trend of the economy all over the world, the attendant repercussion is the loss of jobs and rising poverty. To escape the trap of becoming insolvent or broke as an individual is to get your hands skilled; either in production or service delivery services.

Your mindset as an individual must move away from a salary earner to intentionally applying wealth creation principles to create wealth.

It is a wonder to imagine that a country like China with over a billion people has been able to keep more than 85% of its adult population engaged productively. This has improved the standard of living in China tremendously.

Enterprises thus can thrive and grow as long as the people are buoyant to consume products that are available in the market. Increased spending directly impacts the GDP of a nation and encourages production.

The economic structures in African countries are unfortunately weak and cannot make significant impacts on their citizens.  Whether this is deliberate is subject to debate however deliberate actions must be taken to address this anomaly. This is considering the fact Africa, is blessed with numerous mineral resources but for years has nothing to show.

Incidentally, the solution lies in the hands of the people. The crises we face today are good; in the midst of the crisis are the opportunities to excel. Crisis creates opportunities.

Wealth is in the hands of people; people are equal to wealth and money hides in them. And with a population of over 900 million in the African continent or in your own little space is the opportunity to become a wealth creator.

The government does not have what it takes to create jobs rather it provides the infrastructure to support and facilitate businesses. Though in most cases the government has failed to live up to its expectations it still does not undermine the importance and relevance of wealth creators.

You need skill acquisition and an entrepreneurial mindset to become a wealth creator.

Skills acquisition helps improve our way of thinking, problem-solving, and generally the quality of our daily living.

The knowledge gained from acquiring a skill is enough to enable an individual to earn a living. This is also as the opportunity to employ labor is expanded within the society based on the activity and operations of the wealth creator.

A skilled and entrepreneurial mindset is as important to society as water is to human life. Entrepreneurs are the backbone of society as they have the means to employ people and generate wealth.

Entrepreneurs are usually associated with productivity as they both go hand in hand. Entrepreneurship is a skill that should be consciously taught to the citizens as studies have shown that they are the highest employers of labor in any society.

A buoyant and productive populace thus reduces its dependence on the government for subsidies and welfare. One key aspect of having a productive and skilled populace is the breeding of a wealth-creation mindset populace.

Consequently, a creative-mindset society drastically reduces incidences of crime. People would naturally opt for a more productive life when the opportunity presents itself than live a criminal and uncertain life.

An idle mind can be easily infested with criminal ideas which are prevalent in societies where there is a lack of jobs. However, a skilled hand and mind think of creative ways to generate wealth and make money.


Are you thinking of becoming productive and creating wealth? Then get a hold of this step-by-step e-book on how to produce 10 essential, everyday in-use household items. 

This e-book explains in detail how you can gift your hands with productive skills. Skills on how you can use readily available materials to produce products like disinfectants, perfumes, polish, mosquito repellants, and many more.

To learn more CLICK HERE

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